Modifications I’ve Done to My Omni

In this section I’ll be posting pictures of modifications I’ve done to my Omni Faceting Machine.

At present I’m concentrating on how to improve the reliability of the machine and correct some of the glaring design flaws.

The first two modifications have been to Protect the Spindle Bearings and to Reduce the Platen diameter.

Later I will probably look to add additional components in order to improve the accuracy and repeatability of the Omni – keeping the alignment in good order and making it easier to use.

Next on my list is to create a better Splash Pan (wider and isolated from the Spindle Housing and Bearings to absolutely prevent flooding.

After that I’m going to get a new Platen and Spindle machined, with a proper left-hand threaded nut to hold the laps down with. And also to get a better 45 degree angle dop made.

Longer-term I’m going to build my own base – the warped base plate is probably contributing to the Mast alignment problem and I don’t trust it any more. Getting rid of the warped base plate will eliminate the frustration of trying to find a reference point to align things from.

I’ll post photos and commentary as I go. I will also post recommended suppliers and machinists if I find someone I like and get good quality work done.

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